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In Conversation with Students

What should I do after high school? Does college or university make sense for me? Which one will make me happier? Which field will allow me to make a difference in the world? Will my parents support my decisions? As they brace themselves to exit high school, young Canadians need to find answers and make…Read More

How Much Do They Make? Short-Cycle Credentials and Applied Learning at Canada’s Polytechnics

In 2018, Canada ranked first among OECD countries in post-secondary education (PSE) attainment. Our global standing as a leader in delivering PSE is well known. Perhaps less well known is that Canada’s high standing is driven in large part by our polytechnic and college sectors – those delivering what the OECD calls “short-cycle tertiary” education. These programs provide professional knowledge, technical…Read More

Future of Work Annotated Bibliography

The annotated reports are from a variety of sources, with an emphasis on Canadian studies. To ensure relevance, LMIC focuses on reports that were produced within the last decade, with some exceptions where warranted.Read More
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