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Young person navigates a complicated climbing wall obstacle.

Immigrant youth in the labour force less likely to be in school: new report

Latest data from LMIC and CCYP finds that the increasing labour force participation of immigrant youth has corresponded to a drop in school attendance. OTTAWA, ON, February 8, 2023 – Today the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) and the Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity (CCYP) released new research that finds the increasing labour force participation…Read More

An organizational recipe for navigating the pandemic

Listen to this report as an audio recording This past week we launched our Annual Report for 2020-2021, an important milestone in our efforts to be transparent and accountable to Canadians.  Annual reports are (too?) often about celebrating your own organization’s success. Such a notion seemed especially misguided this year, given that this annual report highlights our efforts to better understand the significant implications of COVID-19 for people, jobs and sectors.…Read More

Work Words: Define That for Me Please

Let’s face it, labour market information (LMI) can be confusing. And, to be frank, the term LMI itself sounds like jargon you only hear from researchers, academics or government officials. However, at the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) we are working to change this perception. Have you ever wondered how occupations are defined in Canada?…Read More
Job Loss Impacts of COVID-19 by Education, Gender and Age

Job Loss Impacts of COVID-19 by Education, Gender and Age

Widespread job losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had an outsized impact on workers with lower levels of education. Since these workers tend to earn less on average, economists are concerned about rising inequality around the world. To see how Canadian workers are being affected, we examine the recent employment impacts by educational attainment,…Read More

Supporting Immigrants with Labour Market information

Last week, I had the privilege of representing LMIC at the 5th Biennial Ottawa Immigration Forum organized by the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership Group (OLIP). Based on our public opinion research findings on recent immigrants, I discussed the importance of labour market information (LMI) in supporting newcomers settling in and integrating to Canada. This blog highlights the key takeaways from that presentation.…Read More

Gender Earning Difference Across Income Levels: Still a ways to go

LMIC at CRDCN I recently had the opportunity to present LMIC’s work at the Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) national conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At this conference, researchers and government agencies gather to learn about and discuss how micro data available at Statistics Canada’s research data centres (RDCs) can be used to create groundbreaking new…Read More

If You Do What You Love, Will the Money Follow?

Choosing a career can be a daunting task. Much like trying to define “success,” it can mean different things to different people. For some, it’s about passion. Proverbial advice such as “find what you do best and get someone to pay you for doing it” or “choose a job you love, and you will never…Read More

The Young and not so Restless: Breaking Misconceptions About NEET Youth

What are the challenges faced by youth who are not in school or part of the labour market? This is a question we are still grappling with despite historically low national unemployment rates. According to Statistics Canada, in September 2018 there were 779,000 young people, aged 15 to 29, not in employment, education or training (NEET).…Read More
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