Principal Researcher
Lorena Camargo
Lorena Camargo contributes to contemporary, forward-looking research projects about labour market issues in Canada. Her expertise includes innovation policy and global markets.
Lorena brings a variety of interdisciplinary skills and lenses to her research from working internationally with different levels of government, as well as the private sector. Prior to joining LMIC, she worked as a research assistant at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and co-wrote a report on economic development and innovation policy that has since been approved for publication in the Oxford Journals’ Socio-Economic Review.
Lorena is a certified scrum master. In her spare time, Lorena enjoys getting lost in a good book, dance classes, and when possible, travelling.
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The LMI Canadians Want
One of the most important choices a person will make is which career to pursue. It’s a choice, in fact, that we prepare for our entire lives. Given that roughly…
LMI Insights Report no. 11, Educational and Career Choices for Students and Parents: The role of labour market information
Parents and students agree that the best time to start receiving LMI is during high school. Their main challenge is the difficulty in finding relevant information.
Disruption, distribution, and data
On February 27th, we participated in the 2019 Building Connections conference organized by the Ottawa Employment Hub. It was an opportunity to bring together policy makers, academics, think tanks, and practitioners to discuss…
LMI Insights Report no. 10, Insights into skills and jobs advertised on LinkedIn in 2018
As jobs evolve alongside technological innovations, workers will need the right skills to be successful. LMIC partnered with LinkedIn to report on top skills and jobs advertised in 2018.
Modernizing how information is communicated
We have long heard the call for labour market information – and data more generally – to be communicated and shared with Canadians in a more user-friendly way. This was…
Earnings Comparison Groups
Researchers across the country — myself included — eagerly anticipated the release of the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP) in November last year. By linking postsecondary education (PSE) and apprenticeship…
LMI Wanted
With information increasingly available through a multitude of online platforms, it is easy to assume that making informed career-related decisions has never been easier. Yet, the results of LMIC’s public opinion…
LMI Insights Report no. 9, Canadians Face Persistent Challenges When Looking for Job-Related Information
Building a career is an lifelong process. Canadians need more than facts: they need LMI that tells a story they can relate to and be guided by.
LMI Insights Report no. 8, LMI Most Wanted by Canadians: Wages and Skills
For employed people, unemployed people, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants, and recent university and college graduates, the most required LMI is wages and skill requirements.