Understanding skills
LMIC works with many partners — including Employment and Social Development Canada and Statistics Canada — to enhance our collective knowledge of the skill requirements of jobs in Canada. We look at how to best define and measure the skills in demand today and tomorrow.

What is a skill?
A skill, by definition, is the ability obtained from knowledge to do something well. When employers communicate their skill needs clearly, it gives job-seekers and career professionals insights to make informed decisions regarding training, education and job opportunities. In short, knowing which skills are in demand allows each person to follow a rewarding career path in their field of interest.

Why do skills matter?
Canada’s continued economic success relies on our collective ability to improve skills-related policies and programs. Knowing what skills are in demand is important information for policymakers, job-seekers and employers.
LMIC works to improve labour market information on skills by collaborating with partners to develop new ways to share real-time job and skills demand data and by promoting LMI consistency and coherency through definitions, insights, and new methodologies for evaluating skills.
On this page you will find an index of LMIC reports and articles related to understanding skills.