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Participate in a focus group: Research on the foreign credential recognition process in Canada

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Thank you for your interest in participating. The call to participate is now officially closed.

Are you an internationally trained or educated newcomer to Canada? We need your insights! 

    The Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) will be conducting online focus groups to gather insights from newcomers on Canada’s process for recognizing foreign credentials. Newcomers’ experiences and views are crucial to help us identify and understand the supports and gaps in the current recognition process and, where possible, develop effective strategies to bridge them. 

    Foreign credential recognition in Canada is the process of officially validating the education or professional qualifications that someone has obtained in another country to check their equivalency with Canadian credentials and establish whether they can use them to work or study here. 

    If you arrived in Canada within the last five years, we invite you to participate in a research project regarding this process whether your credentials have been recognized or not. The project aims to understand the supports and challenges that newcomers encounter during the process. 

    Your participation will involve attending a virtual focus group session where you will have the opportunity to share your story, discuss the supports and information available, explore the issues you faced (or are facing), and suggest improvements.  

    Interested in participating? Fill out the form below to declare your interest. Please note that a declaration of interest does not secure participation. A selection and follow-up process will be carried out for all interested participants. Selected participants will receive a $50 Amazon gift card! 

    By participating, you will be contributing to a meaningful project that could benefit current and future newcomers. 


      Location: Online (Zoom)

      Date: Between July 22 and August 16, 2024

      Time: In the afternoon 

      Duration: 2 hours

      If you are interested in participating, please fill out the following declaration of interest form and/or contact us at

      We look forward to hearing from you, and we thank you in advance for your interest in participating! 

      Note: We encourage newcomers from Quebec to participate. We aim to capture a diverse range of experiences, and we recognize the unique aspects of Quebec's foreign credential recognition system. Your perspective is essential to help us understand the broader landscape and the specific supports and challenges encountered by newcomers in Quebec. 

      Lorena Camargo_Square

      Lorena Camargo

      Principal Researcher

      Lorena Camargo contributes to contemporary, forward-looking research projects about labour market issues in Canada. Her expertise includes innovation policy and global markets. 

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