Career Development Stakeholder Committee

*Applications closed*
Calling all passionate experts to join the LMIC-FSC Career Guidance Development Committee to help shape new career guidance tools for Canadians.

Terms of Reference
The Front-line Career Guidance Tools project will:
Test the viability of a centralized “data hub” as the technical backbone for the labour market information and career delivery eco-system.
Identify labour market information gaps and needs.
Identify how labour market information can be oriented to support various “decision-points” Canadians face when making career, employment and education decisions.
Engage a stakeholder committee to guide overall direction of work and support the development and launch of a pilot program that equips intermediaries with tools to serve up relevant and timely data to their client based via the data hub.
Measure and monitor lessons learned throughout this project to inform the future of labour market information and stakeholder engagement strategy, technology and partnership decisions.
This project began towards the end of 2020 and will conclude in December 2022. It is a partnership between LMIC and FSC, and builds on a strong foundation of support between these two organizations.
LMIC is drawing on the project management expertise of Challenge Factory, a Canadian career and workforce development firm, to ensure cross-sectoral career development approaches are integrated into all phases of project work.
Career Development Stakeholder Committee Responsibility
The Career Development Stakeholder Committee will ensure that the project responds to the needs of the ecosystem of career services delivery and their clients. The Committee will ensure that the project leverages existing work in this space and avoids duplication of activities taking place elsewhere. The Committee will effectively ensure that all activities, from the production of new skills and related labour market information to decisions on format and channels of delivery are evidence-based and impactful. This committee’s participation in the development of the data hub and subsequent pilot (prototyping) initiatives is intended to identify and create sustainable data usage frameworks and access standards.
Core Tasks
This project will apply user-centric design approaches to the development of the data hub and related pilots. As such, members of the Committee will play a critical role in representing and engaging specific users and determining how best to support them in making more informed career and education decisions.
Identify user group needs, gaps and current LMI relationships to humanize all decisions.
Support the establishment criteria for the development and eventual evaluation of the Call for Proposals – Pilot Project(s).
Define the specific problem(s), in terms of decisions being made and the impact on users.
Provide recommendations on submissions to the Call for Proposals.
Challenge assumptions and generate ideas to enhance, improve and transform the delivery of LMI within the ecosystem.
(Potentially) Guide future research initiatives.
Create new ideas for how delivery of LMI could be prototyped.
Guiding Principles
In the Committee Kick-Off (early 2021), the Committee will establish their own guiding principles, incorporating core and consistent principles that will govern all of the Front-line Career Guidance Tools Project work.
Conditions of Committee Membership
The following conditions apply to any member of a Committee. The Member:
Commits to a 2-year non-transferable term.
Will not receive any financial renumeration.
Will attend up to three (3) meetings per year during their term.
Has the ability to attend online meetings and, if permitted by public health, in-person meetings.
Receive reasonable reimbursement of travel expenses incurred as a result of attending an in-person committee meeting, provided they submit completed expense reports on time to the project manager.
Committee Membership
Specific committee members are to be named February 2021. Membership will be selected with a focus on inclusivity, equity and diversity.
Members will be selected to balance representation across the following areas of expertise:
Knowledge and understanding of the needs and challenges associated with certain subpopulations (e.g., youth, persons with disabilities, Indigenous persons, etc.).
Expertise from the field of career development, including familiarity with leading practices in career management and the impact of critical decision points in the lifelong pursuit of work, education, employment and careers.
Expertise in helping users navigate decisions related to career development and skills training.
Knowledge and understanding of organizations that hire or support/facilitate the hiring of Canadians (employers, labour organizations, sector representation, educational institutions, etc.).
Expertise in user experience design, service delivery and relevant technologies.
Demonstrated thought leadership in how new approaches like big data, AI and machine learning can leveraged to help Canadians navigate their career choices.
Confidentiality is the preservation of privileged information. By necessity personal and private information may be disclosed during meetings. Part of what you learn is necessary to provide services to LMIC; other information is shared within the development of a supporting, trusting relationship. Therefore, most information gained about individuals or organizations is confidential.
Conflict of Interest
This project has the potential for perceived or actual conflict of interest. Each Member of a Stakeholder Committee is asked to declare that they are free from any such conflicts at the outset of their Membership. Over the course of working on this project, it is possible that a conflict will arise. A conflict of interest occurs when the information, discussion or data available to a Member of a Stakeholder Committee can be used for direct personal, professional or organizational benefit. In the case such a conflict arises, the Member should immediately declare the conflict to the Project Sponsor who may recuse the Member for a period of time, from a particular discussion or from committee membership.
Participating on a Stakeholder Committee, by definition, provides Members with access to information that would put them in an advantaged position should they bid on subsequent pilot initiatives or phases of work related to the scope of this project. Therefore, Members are asked to acknowledge that they will not be eligible to receive funding or be selected for projects in the original round of pilot projects, anticipated to run in 2021-2022. Stakeholder Committee Members will be eligible to bid on projects or undertake additional work with LMIC one year after their Membership term is over.
Have Questions?
Email us at for more information and we'll be happy to answer your questions regarding this opportunity.