Equipping Career Services with LMI Tools and Data
Support the development of career-planning and guidance tools to draw on relevant labour market information by creating an open cloud-based LMI data repository
Why we're doing this project
Every day, Canadians seek out front-line career organizations to get help while making important career and education choices. This project aims to provide front-line career development organizations with access to the data and tools they need to help Canadians succeed.
What the project is about
A series of initiatives will support the project’s overall development and goals:
Career Development Stakeholder Committee
The Career Development Stakeholder Committee will ensure that the project responds to the needs of the ecosystem of career services providers and their clients. The committee will ensure that the project leverages existing work to avoid duplicating activities taking place elsewhere.
Skills-related LMI and insights
Build on ongoing work with Statistics Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Future Skills Centre (FSC) to create a pan-Canadian system that links skills and other work requirements to occupations, especially to identify emerging/in-demand skills.
Package and curate key LMI and address prevailing knowledge-delivery gaps
Gather key data to help meet the needs of career development practitioners and their clients. Conduct quantitative and/or qualitative research on the accessibility of LMI.
Build an open cloud-based LMI data repository
Work with external data architecture experts to build a working prototype of an online data repository that enables seamless access to LMI for intermediaries and third-party users.
Test delivery of new career guidance LMI data and tools
Empower career development organizations to improve the delivery of LMI and related advice via an open call for proposals directed to front-line organizations and our partners. The goal is to develop new tools to access the online data repository (and other sources) to support clients in making informed career-related decisions.