Laura Adkins-Hackett
Laura Adkins-Hackett contributes to the analysis and development of labour market information in Canada. Laura is passionate about understanding why the economy works the way it does and how to best use labour and other resources to improve the lives of Canadians.
Laura holds a master's degree in economics from the University of Ottawa and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Alberta.
Prior to joining LMIC, Laura worked as an economist for the Government of Alberta, providing analysis on a variety of topics including transportation, economic development and government programs for innovation. Laura has also worked in strategic foresight, which taught her to apply an “outside the box” approach to her research.
Recently Added
LMI Insight Report no. 32, Through the Looking Glass: Assessing Skills Measures Using 21st Century Technologies
A joint project with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Statistics Canada (STC) to describe jobs in terms of their skill requirements, as well as other job/worker characteristics.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Women Working Part-Time
The COVID-19 shutdown has resulted in massive job losses, hitting some sectors worse than others and resulting in widespread upheaval. Women workers, however, have been affected to such an extent…
Work Words: Define That for Me Please
Let’s face it, labour market information (LMI) can be confusing. And, to be frank, the term LMI itself sounds like jargon you only hear from researchers, academics or government officials.…
Job Loss Impacts of COVID-19 by Education, Gender and Age
Widespread job losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic have had an outsized impact on workers with lower levels of education. Since these workers tend to earn less on average, economists…
LMI Insight Report no. 31, What Skills Do I Need? Making the US O*NET System Work for Canadians
Three organizations partnered to research, identify and assess various methods for linking job–worker characteristics, with a focus on mapping skill requirements to occupations in a consistent manner.