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Earnings Comparison Groups

Researchers across the country — myself included — eagerly anticipated the release of the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP) in November last year. By linking postsecondary education (PSE) and apprenticeship training records to individual tax returns, this platform provides a major step forward in addressing what some have called a “data deficit” in Canada. A recent LMI…Read More

LMI Wanted

With information increasingly available through a multitude of online platforms, it is easy to assume that making informed career-related decisions has never been easier. Yet, the results of LMIC’s public opinion research suggest that finding relevant labour market information (LMI) remains a significant challenge for most. These results raise a number of questions. Is LMI readily accessible,…Read More

Career Development Practitioners: Vital Partners in Labour Market Information

Opportunity for Career Development Practitioners to Shape Labour Market Information Career development practitioners (CDPs) work across the country to help Canadians of all ages manage their learning, work, and transitions. They support Canadians in identifying their interests, strengths and weaknesses, and in navigating today’s ever-evolving labour market to support informed decision making about learning and work.…Read More
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