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Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in the labour market

Key Takeaway
Artificial intelligence adoption is shifting the demand for skills.


More than a third of vacancies in countries within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development were for roles identified as having high exposure to artificial intelligence (AI). Exposure to AI changes the way that work is organized, shifting the demand for skills for high-exposure occupations.

As AI adoption increases, so does demand for the skills associated with developing and maintaining AI systems. Still, most workers who use AI won’t require familiarity with how the systems work.

For occupations exposed to AI, an analysis of in-demand skills showed that the ones most sought-after are related to management and business skills.

An analysis at the business level found that exposure to AI is associated with decreased demands for general office software knowledge, business skills, management skills, and emotional skills.

Production skills had a modest demand increase for companies that need to fill roles with a high level of exposure to AI. This includes skills related to both production and technology, as well as physical skills.

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