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About LMIC
The Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) is a not-for-profit organization established to identify and implement pan-Canadian priorities to address the need for more consistent and accessible labour market information for Canadians.
LMIC’s mandate is to improve the timeliness, reliability and accessibility of labour market information to facilitate decision-making by employers, workers, job seekers, academics, policy makers, educators, career practitioners, students, parents and under-represented populations.
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Supporting Immigrants with Labour Market information
Last week, I had the privilege of representing LMIC at the 5th Biennial Ottawa Immigration Forum organized by the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership Group (OLIP). Based on our public opinion research findings on recent immigrants, I…
LMI Insights Report no. 22, Understanding the Interconnectedness of the Future of Work: A Case Study in What’s Wrong with Current Discussions
Much of the discussion about the future of work and its implications has been narrow in focus. One of the missing links in the future of work literature is the…
Guiding in the Dark: Career Practitioners and LMI
I remember walking into my school guidance counsellor’s office during my last year of high school, just before the Christmas holidays. Anxious with anticipation, I was hoping to walk out…
LMI Insights Report no. 21, In Conversation with Students: The Information They Want on Wages
The first in a series on students and their career choices. Young Canadians at the crossroads of high school and PSE want wage information to validate their education and career…
LMI Insight Report no. 20, From Data to Information: What LMI do Career Development Practitioners Need?
From helping Canadians assess their career to teaching them how to understand LMI, career practitioners can be an indispensable resource in preparing for today’s rapidly changing workforce. A visual representation of…
Gender Earning Difference Across Income Levels: Still a ways to go
LMIC at CRDCN I recently had the opportunity to present LMIC’s work at the Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) national conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At this conference, researchers and government…
LMI Insight Report no. 19, Settling Down: Recent Immigrants and Labour Market Information
To mitigate the economic and social impacts of demographic change, improvements are needed in immigration policies and labour market outcomes for recent immigrants.
If You Do What You Love, Will the Money Follow?
Choosing a career can be a daunting task. Much like trying to define “success,” it can mean different things to different people. For some, it’s about passion. Proverbial advice such…
What Does an Annual Report Say About an Organization?
Why Annual Reports? I recently caught up with a good friend who I met years ago at the OECD. We got to talking about the culture of reports in today’s…