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LMIC publications consist of our research reports and LMI Insights, an ongoing series of short reports that investigate a wide range of labour market information-related issues.
Connecting Skills: Using online job postings to unravel the demand for skills in the labour market
This report presents comprehensive insights into the relationships between skills in Canada’s labour market.Read More
Labour market resilience in the face of an aging population
The Canadian workforce is aging. As more mature workers exit, the economy is at risk of labour and skills shortages.Read More
Refugee success in Canada’s labour market: Labour market information needs and gaps
Refugees encounter significant barriers to accessing labour market information. LMIC spoke to 25 Afghan refugees about their experiences and recommendations.Read More
Decoding job postings: Improving accessibility for neurodivergent job seekers
Improving the quality and accessibility of job postings is one way to reduce employment barriers for neurodivergent people.Read More
Navigating labour market information: Challenges faced by career development professionals
Career development professionals understand LMI but are challenged by the complexity of accessing and using it to generate relevant results for their clients.Read More
Understanding under-representation in Canada’s labour market: An analysis of definitions and approaches
How do economists define who is “under-represented” in the labour market? LMIC reviews six approaches.Read More
Perceptions of LMI: Feedback from the Canadian ecosystem
A feedback-gathering exercise to explore information needs in Canada’s LMI ecosystemRead More
Employer-sponsored skills training: A picture of skills training opportunities provided by Canadian employers
How much do Canadian employers invest in training, and what kinds of training do they offer?Read More
Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrant Youth: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
How are young immigrants faring in Canada’s labour market?Read More
Building the evidence base about economic, health and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada
As a group, gender and sexual minorities in Canada – including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2S+) self-identified people – are more likely to live in poverty, face greater barriers to employment (including stigma and discrimination), and earn less at work, despite often having higher levels of education than their cisgender, heterosexual counterparts.Read More
Developing Indicators for Skill Demand
In this technical paper, LMIC outlines three approaches to developing indicators for skill demand using online job posting data.Read More
Women in Recovery: COVID-19 and Women’s Labour Market Participation
Two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we explore how women in Canada are recovering in a tumultuous labour market.
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Challenges and Opportunities in Canada’s LMI Landscape
Eight challenges and six recommendations for growth and innovation in Canadian LMI.Read More
Post-Secondary Graduate Earnings: How Much is the Class of 2010 Making?
Earnings data up to 2018 is now available for post-secondary students in Canada who graduated in 2010.Read More
Are Adults Making Use of Career Services in Canada?
A new report from LMIC and the Future Skills Centre investigates the relationship between adults and career services in Canada. Read More
LMI Insight Report No. 45, Making Sense of Gig Work
The rise of the on-demand digital workforce, facilitated by technological advancements, has brought increased attention to the phenomena of “gig work.” Although the meaning of gig work can be complex, and has most certainly evolved over time, we identify three common approaches used to describe it.Read More
Building a Decision-Based Framework to Understand LMI Needs
This latest joint report highlights that the information Canadians need extends well beyond what is usually considered essential data. For labour market information to be relevant and suitable to the diverse needs of Canadians, our work must be centred on the decisions confronting Canadians in a time of immense change and labour market transition.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 43, Searching for an OaSIS in the world of skills and occupation mapping
OaSIS is a new occupational skills and information system being developed by ESDC that will leverage the experience of similar systems around the world to provide Canadians with skills-related labour market information.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 42, Under Pressure: Estimating the demand and supply for bilingual workers in Canada
Skills shortages have long been a concern for policy makers. The lack of certain skills among the working population reduces Canada’s competitiveness and hampers economic growth.Read More
How to Forecast Skills in Demand: A Primer
Driving forces in the world of work—including population ageing, climate change, globalization and technology, among others—have been disrupting employment for decades. The quantity and quality of jobs have evolved rapidly as workplaces adapt to new ways of working. In the past year, all of these changes have been exacerbated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 41, Women With Low-Earning Trade Certificates
Following the RAIS report, this Insight Report focuses on the earnings of women in trades, and the earning differences between women and men over the years from three trade certifications: hairstylist, cook and baker.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 40, Exploring the Earnings of Red Seal Trade Certificate Holders
In March 2021, the LMIC and the Education Policy Research Initiative (ERPI) released a joint report on the average earnings of journeypersons in Red Seal trades who graduated in 2009.
Read MoreHow Much Do They Make? New Evidence on the Early Career Earnings of Trade Certificate Holders
LMIC partnered with the Education Policy Research Initiative to provide new and comprehensive evidence on the early career earnings of Canadian journeypersons.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 39, Women in Recessions: What Makes COVID-19 Different?
The employment impacts of COVID-19 on women differ dramatically compared to previous recessions - in both magnitude and composition.Read More
Labour Market Information Best Practices Guide
The Labour Market Information Best Practices Guide aims to provide best practices in the generation, analysis and dissemination of labour market information throughout the pan-Canadian ecosystem.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 38, Literature Review: Labour Market Outcomes of Canadian Apprenticeship Programs
Past research by the Labour Market Information Council and the Education Policy Research Initiative examined the earnings trajectories of post-secondary graduates. To complement this work, we have embarked on a new joint research project to shed light on the earnings of Red Seal apprentices.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 37, The Pandemic and Emerging Labour Market Information Gaps
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented job losses in Canada and around the world. Although a substantial share of the jobs lost have been recovered, as with all crises, there are often long-term consequences on those most impacted.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 36, How Representative Are Online Job Postings?
This report explains how online job postings can complement survey data to better understand labour demand.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 35, Job Skills Mapping: Building Concordance Between the US O*NET System and Canada’s NOC
This report introduces the first publicly accessible concordances linking US and Canadian occupations to leverage O*NET data. With these concordances, we can rigorously — and in an open and transparent manner — link job–worker characteristics.Read More
2019-2020 Annual Report
For the past several years, our collective attention has been focused on issues related to an unprecedented period of job growth and uncertainty regarding the future of work. In 2019–2020, LMIC focused on providing relevant labour market information (LMI) data and insights to help Canadians navigate these challenges.Read More
Now of Work
LMIC’s Now of Work Annotated Bibliography synthesizes the latest research findings related to COVID-19.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 34, Sectors at Risk: The Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Manufacturing
A joint report with Excellent in Manufacturing Consortium to examine the challenges the manufacturing sector is facing and how LMI is critical to help the sector adapt to new realities.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 33, Sectors at Risk: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian Oil and Gas Sector
A joint report with PetroLMI to examine the challenges the oil and gas sector is facing and how LMI is critical to help the sector adapt to new realities.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 32, Through the Looking Glass: Assessing Skills Measures Using 21st Century Technologies
A joint project with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Statistics Canada (STC) to describe jobs in terms of their skill requirements, as well as other job/worker characteristics.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 31, What Skills Do I Need? Making the US O*NET System Work for Canadians
Three organizations partnered to research, identify and assess various methods for linking job–worker characteristics, with a focus on mapping skill requirements to occupations in a consistent manner.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 30, Sectors at Risk: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian Tourism Industry
The tourism sector is at the forefront of COVID-19 job losses in Canada. Labour
market information on new skills requirements that emerge as a result of these changes will
be essential.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 29, Making Informed Choices in an Uncertain and Changing Job Market
Using online job posting data, we examine recent shifts in Canada’s job market and ways to assess what employers are asking for in terms of skills and knowledge. Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 28, Socio-Demographic Differences in Labour Market Information Use, Sources and Challenges
Our latest Insight Report analyses the socio-demographic differences in LMI use across age, income, and gender.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 27, In Conversation with Students: The Job Outlooks They Want
Students want forecasts of future job openings to help them identify job prospects in their ideal occupation and to understand the level of competition they may face when joining the labour market.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 26, In Conversation With Students: What About Skills?
Students are mainly interested in learning about transferable skills and knowing which skills are most at risk of becoming obsolete in the future — but find it challenging to translate their understanding of skill
requirements into concrete choices.Read More
Future of Work Annotated Bibliography
The annotated reports are from a variety of sources, with an emphasis on Canadian studies. To ensure relevance, LMIC focuses on reports that were produced within the last decade, with some exceptions where warranted.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 25, How Much Do International Graduates Make Compared to Canadians?
Overall, international students graduating from Canadian PSE institutions and remaining in Canada to work afterward earn less than Canadian graduates, but the difference narrows over time.Read More
How Much Do They Make?
New Evidence on the Early Career Earnings of Canadian Post-Secondary Education Graduates by Credential & Field of StudyRead More
LMI Insights Report no. 24, How Much Do Women Make Compared to Men? Earnings Differences by Credential and Field of Study
Female graduates from PSE institutions earn substantially less than men. Five years after graduation, women earn less than men in every field of study across all credentials.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 23, Improving the Accessibility of Labour Market Information: Survey Results from Persons with Disabilities
For many persons with disabilities, their low employment rate reflects a wide range of barriers including discrimination, workplace practices and limited access to relevant LMI.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 22, Understanding the Interconnectedness of the Future of Work: A Case Study in What’s Wrong with Current Discussions
Much of the discussion about the future of work and its implications has been narrow in focus. One of the missing links in the future of work literature is the interaction of megatrends.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 21, In Conversation with Students: The Information They Want on Wages
The first in a series on students and their career choices. Young Canadians at the crossroads of high school and PSE want wage information to validate their education and career decisions.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 20, From Data to Information: What LMI do Career Development Practitioners Need?
>From helping Canadians assess their career to teaching them how to understand LMI, career practitioners can be an indispensable resource in preparing for today’s rapidly changing workforce. A visual representation of the report is included.Read More
LMI Insight Report no. 19, Settling Down: Recent Immigrants and Labour Market Information
To mitigate the economic and social impacts of demographic change, improvements are needed in immigration policies and labour market outcomes for recent immigrants.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 18, Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform 2.0: Exponential Potential
A review of Statistics Canada’s release of new administrative data on apprentice, college and university student loans and grants. These are now available in the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 17, Finding Their Path: What Youth Not In Employment, Education or Training (NEET) Want
Most Canadians aged 16 to 29 who are not in employment, education or training are typically in transition as they look for work or wait for school to start.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 16, Bridging the Gap between Skills and Occupations: A Concept Note to Identify the Skills Associated with NOC
LMIC, Employment and Social Development Canada and Statistics Canada are working together to leverage a new, evergreen Skills and Competency Taxonomy and exploring options to map it to occupations.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 15, Search for the LMI Grail: Local, Granular, Frequent, and Timely Data
LMIC, Statistics Canada and other stakeholders have assessed several approaches for attaining more local, granular, frequent and timely LMI.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 14, Is this a skill which I see before me? The challenge of measuring skills shortages
A continuation of LMI Insight Report no. 3 on labour shortages, skills shortages and skills mismatches. How do these terms create uncertainty and ineffective solutions?Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 13, Canadian Employers: Uneven Access to Labour Market Information
Two-thirds of Canadian employers rely on LMI for HR management, but most have difficulty finding and understanding LMI. The challenge is particularly acute for smaller businesses.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 12, Toward a systems framework for technology and the future of work
NSAP Chair David Ticoll proposes elements of a comprehensive systems framework for modelling the future of work. The model includes changes to business models, industry ecosystems, and products and services.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 11, Educational and Career Choices for Students and Parents: The role of labour market information
Parents and students agree that the best time to start receiving LMI is during high school. Their main challenge is the difficulty in finding relevant information.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 9, Canadians Face Persistent Challenges When Looking for Job-Related Information
Building a career is an lifelong process. Canadians need more than facts: they need LMI that tells a story they can relate to and be guided by.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 8, LMI Most Wanted by Canadians: Wages and Skills
For employed people, unemployed people, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants, and recent university and college graduates, the most required LMI is wages and skill requirements.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 7, LMI has Important Impact on the Career Paths of Canadians
Most recent immigrants, unemployed people, or recent graduates say that LMI made a difference in their career-related choices.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 6, Easily Understood LMI is Essential for Making Informed Career Decisions
According to our public opinion research, many Canadians face difficulty finding the LMI they need. Often when they find LMI, it is not easy to understand.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 5, Is it Difficult to Find Information That Helps Career-Related Decisions?
Reliable and relevant LMI is essential to supporting education, employment, training and career choices. Yet, a significant number of Canadians can’t find the information they need.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 4, Exploring Data to Assess Labour Market Outcomes of Post-Secondary Students and Apprentices
The Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform helps us better understand the transitions of Canadians from education and training programs into the labour marketRead More
LMI Insights Report no. 3, What’s in a Name? Labour Shortages, Skills Shortages, and Skills Mismatches
Labour shortages, skills shortages and skills mismatches negatively impact individual well-being and dampen productivity and competitiveness for both businesses and the economy.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 2, The Future of Work in Canada: Bridging the Gap
A review of recent reports on the future of work reveals several important gaps in insight and information that Canadians, policy makers and stakeholders need to make informed decisions.Read More
LMI Insights Report no. 1, Taking Stock of Past Labour Market Information Assessments
Considerable progress has been made in improving LMI, but several important gaps persist. LMIC’s priority is to improve LMI for all Canadians.Read More