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Collage-style illustration shows a map of Afghanistan and a map of Canada.

Guest blog: Navigating labour markets and information as a refugee in Canada

Listen to this article as an audio recording Refugees in Canada encounter significant barriers to accessing labour market information (LMI), and their access varies based on the immigration stream through which they arrive. Those who arrive as refugees frequently rely on informal networks or past experiences to fill information gaps and find employment.   We also…Read More
Person looking through a surveying tool against the backdrop of an apartment complex.

Employer-sponsored skills training vital in Canada’s changing workforce landscape

Dr. Nancy Adossi, Senior Bilingual Policy Analyst with the Future Skills Centre (FSC), reflects on the findings in FSC and LMIC’s recent joint report, Employer-sponsored skills training: A picture of skills training opportunities provided by Canadian employers. Listen to this report as an audio recording In Canada, employer-sponsored training is crucial to ensuring that employees…Read More

Why aren’t women working in trades? Creating safe and inclusive workplaces for women

Bonnie Douglas, Project Manager at CCWESTT, reflects on why there are so few women in trades and what Canadian employers can do about it.  Listen to this article as an audio recording It’s an ongoing challenge: female trade certificate holders consistently earn less than their male counterparts, and women represent less than 10% of certified journeypersons in Canada…Read More

Two Ways We Can Connect More Adults to Career Services in Canada

Listen to this article as an audio recording In Canada, only 19% of adults report using career services – lower than in other OECD countries. This week LMIC launched its latest insight report in partnership with the Future Skills Centre (FSC). Are Adults Making Use of Career Services in Canada? looks at the rate at…Read More

Strength in Numbers: LMIC, MDB Insight and Vicinity Jobs Harness Big Data

The idea of using online job postings to track labour market trends is not new. Vicinity Jobs started doing this in 2006, in collaboration with Canadian economic development professionals. Since the internet is the go-to place for employers to connect with job seekers, this concept makes perfect sense. The information that employers publish to attract…Read More

How Much Do They Make? Short-Cycle Credentials and Applied Learning at Canada’s Polytechnics

In 2018, Canada ranked first among OECD countries in post-secondary education (PSE) attainment. Our global standing as a leader in delivering PSE is well known. Perhaps less well known is that Canada’s high standing is driven in large part by our polytechnic and college sectors – those delivering what the OECD calls “short-cycle tertiary” education. These programs provide professional knowledge, technical…Read More

Modernizing how information is communicated

We have long heard the call for labour market information – and data more generally – to be communicated and shared with Canadians in a more user-friendly way. This was one of the reasons why the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) was created. As both the Chief Statistician of Canada and one of the founding Board members…Read More
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