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About LMIC
The Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) is a not-for-profit organization established to identify and implement pan-Canadian priorities to address the need for more consistent and accessible labour market information for Canadians.
LMIC’s mandate is to improve the timeliness, reliability and accessibility of labour market information to facilitate decision-making by employers, workers, job seekers, academics, policy makers, educators, career practitioners, students, parents and under-represented populations.
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LMI Insight Report no. 37, The Pandemic and Emerging Labour Market Information Gaps
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented job losses in Canada and around the world. Although a substantial share of the jobs lost have been recovered, as with all crises, there…
LMI Insight Report no. 36, How Representative Are Online Job Postings?
This report explains how online job postings can complement survey data to better understand labour demand.
Part-Time and Full-Time Employment Among Immigrants: A Tale of Two Recoveries
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, LMIC has been analyzing the emerging data on job loss and recovery. Previous LMIC blogs have shown, for example, that immigrants have experienced greater employment losses…
LMI Insight Report no. 35, Job Skills Mapping: Building Concordance Between the US O*NET System and Canada’s NOC
This report introduces the first publicly accessible concordances linking US and Canadian occupations to leverage O*NET data. With these concordances, we can rigorously — and in an open and transparent…
2019-2020 Annual Report
For the past several years, our collective attention has been focused on issues related to an unprecedented period of job growth and uncertainty regarding the future of work. In 2019–2020,…
Employment Recovery Lags for Low Earners
In August 2020, employment increased by another 246,000 jobs (+1.4%) to bring total employment in the month to nearly 97% of its February level. As noted by Statistics Canada’s data…
LMIC’s WorkWords is an online labour market encyclopedia that provides definitions of key labour market terms, data, uses and concepts.
Strength in Numbers: LMIC, MDB Insight and Vicinity Jobs Harness Big Data
The idea of using online job postings to track labour market trends is not new. Vicinity Jobs started doing this in 2006, in collaboration with Canadian economic development professionals. Since…
Immigrant Employment in Sectors Most Affected by COVID-19
Immigrants have suffered greater job losses during the COVID-19 pandemic than Canadian-born workers. Our recent blog post illustrates that employment dropped, in relative terms, for landed immigrants at nearly twice…