Manager of Content and PR
Gabrielle Larose
Gabrielle Larose is the manager of content and pr who supports the LMIC team in the production of accessible labour market information and research.
Prior to joining LMIC, Gabrielle split her free time between freelancing and working in communications for a municipality in Québec. She likes to use her creative side to add value to the work she produces.
Gabrielle has a bachelor’s degree in communication (Public Relations) from the University of Québec in Montreal.
Recently Added
LMI Insights Report no. 17, Finding Their Path: What Youth Not In Employment, Education or Training (NEET) Want
Most Canadians aged 16 to 29 who are not in employment, education or training are typically in transition as they look for work or wait for school to start.
LMI Insights Report no. 16, Bridging the Gap between Skills and Occupations: A Concept Note to Identify the Skills Associated with NOC
LMIC, Employment and Social Development Canada and Statistics Canada are working together to leverage a new, evergreen Skills and Competency Taxonomy and exploring options to map it to occupations.
Balancing Act: Considering Trade-Offs for Improving LMI
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Labour Market Information Needs of Sociodemographic Groups
We asked over 15,000 Canadians about how they use labour market information and what they find lacking in the current system. These results are now published on our new pan-Canadian dashboard featuring the key…
Untangling Vacancy Data
As unemployment drops to historic lows (5.5% as of June 2019), the background conversation on labour and skills shortages has been propelled to the forefront. As noted by my colleague Anthony,…
LMI Insights Report no. 15, Search for the LMI Grail: Local, Granular, Frequent, and Timely Data
LMIC, Statistics Canada and other stakeholders have assessed several approaches for attaining more local, granular, frequent and timely LMI.
LMI Insights Report no. 14, Is this a skill which I see before me? The challenge of measuring skills shortages
A continuation of LMI Insight Report no. 3 on labour shortages, skills shortages and skills mismatches. How do these terms create uncertainty and ineffective solutions?
Demography, immigration and labour market transformation: threats or opportunities?
On May 29-30, 2019, ASDEQ (Association des économistes québécois) held its annual conference in Quebec City. This year’s theme of demography, immigration and labour market transformation dovetails with our expertise…