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Data Scientist

Sukriti Trehan

Sukriti Trehan contributes to building the data architecture for LMIC and provides analytics solutions for ongoing Canadian labour market projects. Her work with the organization aims to facilitate easy access to structured and unstructured labour market data.

Sukriti previously worked as an analyst with the Government of India.

When she is not on her laptop, Sukriti enjoys trying new recipes and a good cup of chai.

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Disruption, distribution, and data

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LMI Insights Report no. 10, Insights into skills and jobs advertised on LinkedIn in 2018

By Tobi Burnett | March 1, 2019

As jobs evolve alongside technological innovations, workers will need the right skills to be successful. LMIC partnered with LinkedIn to report on top skills and jobs advertised in 2018.

Tackling The Growing Importance Of Skills

By LMIC-CIMT | February 28, 2019

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LMI Wanted

By Guest Blog | February 11, 2019

With information increasingly available through a multitude of online platforms, it is easy to assume that making informed career-related decisions has never been easier. Yet, the results of LMIC’s public opinion…

LMI Insights Report no. 9, Canadians Face Persistent Challenges When Looking for Job-Related Information

By Tobi Burnett | February 10, 2019

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LMI Insights Report no. 8, LMI Most Wanted by Canadians: Wages and Skills

By Tobi Burnett | February 1, 2019

For employed people, unemployed people, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants, and recent university and college graduates, the most required LMI is wages and skill requirements.

The First Results From Our Public Opinion Research Are In!

By LMIC-CIMT | January 31, 2019

January 2019

The future of work – at LMIC

By Steven Tobin | January 25, 2019

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