Public Opinion Survey
Digging Deep Reveals New LMI Findings
We conducted a series of public opinion surveys on ten groups of Canadians to understand their top labour market information (LMI) needs, sources and challenges. We reported key findings through a series of dashboards, LMI Insights and public presentations. But, we also wanted to gain deeper insights, such as whether young people face different LMI…Read More
Improving Inclusivity: The Need for Accessible Labour Market Information
As a recent immigrant, I often find myself drawing comparisons between my home country, the United States, and my adopted country, Canada. Despite many similarities in language, culture and quality of life, subtle differences occasionally catch me off guard. One that stands out in particular is the value Canadians place on inclusivity. From celebrating diversity…Read More
Supporting Immigrants with Labour Market information
Last week, I had the privilege of representing LMIC at the 5th Biennial Ottawa Immigration Forum organized by the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership Group (OLIP). Based on our public opinion research findings on recent immigrants, I discussed the importance of labour market information (LMI) in supporting newcomers settling in and integrating to Canada. This blog highlights the key takeaways from that presentation.…Read More
Guiding in the Dark: Career Practitioners and LMI
I remember walking into my school guidance counsellor’s office during my last year of high school, just before the Christmas holidays. Anxious with anticipation, I was hoping to walk out with a clear step-by-step manual for how to have a successful career. While working with the counsellor, Leah, it quickly became apparent that careers are…Read More
The Young and not so Restless: Breaking Misconceptions About NEET Youth
What are the challenges faced by youth who are not in school or part of the labour market? This is a question we are still grappling with despite historically low national unemployment rates. According to Statistics Canada, in September 2018 there were 779,000 young people, aged 15 to 29, not in employment, education or training (NEET).…Read More
Labour Market Information Needs of Sociodemographic Groups
We asked over 15,000 Canadians about how they use labour market information and what they find lacking in the current system. These results are now published on our new pan-Canadian dashboard featuring the key labour market information needs by age group, urban/rural location, and gender. Exploring the results within these three main sociodemographic groups reveals some interesting findings. First,…Read More
Reconciling LMI Needs of Workers and Employers
Shared Objectives For nearly a decade before arriving at LMIC, I worked at the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO is a tripartite UN organization that brings together employers, workers, and governments. This tremendous forum enables different viewpoints of the labour market to come together, if not always in complete agreement. However, as I have argued…Read More
Amplifying the Impact of Data
Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Hot Topics Luncheon at Amplify 2019, an annual conference hosted by FirstWork, Ontario’s Youth Employment Network. Amplify provides an opportunity to bring together leaders from a wide variety of front-line organizations that provide labour market information (LMI), guidance, and advice to youth and other job seekers…Read More
The LMI Canadians Want
One of the most important choices a person will make is which career to pursue. It’s a choice, in fact, that we prepare for our entire lives. Given that roughly one third of a person’s life is spent at work, this isn’t too surprising. As young children, our play often involves imagining ourselves in a…Read More
LMI Wanted
With information increasingly available through a multitude of online platforms, it is easy to assume that making informed career-related decisions has never been easier. Yet, the results of LMIC’s public opinion research suggest that finding relevant labour market information (LMI) remains a significant challenge for most. These results raise a number of questions. Is LMI readily accessible,…Read More