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Gender Earning Difference Across Income Levels: Still a ways to go

LMIC at CRDCN I recently had the opportunity to present LMIC’s work at the Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) national conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At this conference, researchers and government agencies gather to learn about and discuss how micro data available at Statistics Canada’s research data centres (RDCs) can be used to create groundbreaking new…Read More

Going Global with Big Data

Across the world, skills are one of the biggest data gaps in labour market information (LMI). In addition to being difficult to identify and measure, skills are not clearly defined. As we noted in a recent LMI Insight report, these skills data gaps can only be meaningfully filled if skills are linked to existing labour market data such as occupations.…Read More

Balancing Act: Considering Trade-Offs for Improving LMI

Labour Market Information Needs to Evolve in Parallel to the Challenges at Hand When federal and provincial ministers responsible for labour markets first endorsed the creation of a new Labour Market Information Council (LMIC), one of the core aims was to address the need for more local, granular data. In a country as large as…Read More

Untangling Vacancy Data

As unemployment drops to historic lows (5.5% as of June 2019), the background conversation on labour and skills shortages has been propelled to the forefront. As noted by my colleague Anthony, finding the right indicator, or combination of indicators, to identify and monitor labour shortages, skill shortages, and skill mismatches is a major challenge. In addition…Read More

A tale of two provinces: Measuring Interprovincial Employment

Last year, I made the decision to relocate from British Columbia – where I had worked and studied for the past 5 years – to Ontario, in order to embark in a new professional opportunity at LMIC. Although the decision felt life-changing, I knew I wasn’t alone in making it. Many of my friends were…Read More

Local, Granular data for Beginners

On my first day at LMIC, I was warmly welcomed by the Research and Analytics team. My new colleagues were excited to tell me about their ongoing data collection and analytics projects – but they did so using strange terms like POR, FOW, ELMLP, and LG. Although I was a little overwhelmed by the number of acronyms, one…Read More

Modernizing how information is communicated

We have long heard the call for labour market information – and data more generally – to be communicated and shared with Canadians in a more user-friendly way. This was one of the reasons why the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) was created. As both the Chief Statistician of Canada and one of the founding Board members…Read More

Earnings Comparison Groups

Researchers across the country — myself included — eagerly anticipated the release of the Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform (ELMLP) in November last year. By linking postsecondary education (PSE) and apprenticeship training records to individual tax returns, this platform provides a major step forward in addressing what some have called a “data deficit” in Canada. A recent LMI…Read More

ELM L.P. Has Dropped

How much does your income increase if you complete an apprenticeship training program or a college, university, or other post-secondary program? Do people leave the province in which they studied after leaving their post-secondary programs? Does university attendance increase social mobility? These are just a few of the questions that can be answered definitively with…Read More

LMI and Microdata Linkages

This year’s Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) conference was held in Hamilton from 17–19 October. Its title — “Building an Inclusive, Prosperous and Healthy Canada: What Can We Learn from the Data?” — was irresistible from a labour market information (LMI) perspective. Most presentations focused on health issues, but several labour market–related topics included the aging population, unemployment,…Read More
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