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About LMIC

The Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) is a not-for-profit organization established to identify and implement pan-Canadian priorities to address the need for more consistent and accessible labour market information for Canadians.

LMIC’s mandate is to improve the timeliness, reliability and accessibility of labour market information to facilitate decision-making by employers, workers, job seekers, academics, policy makers, educators, career practitioners, students, parents and under-represented populations.

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Two Ways We Can Connect More Adults to Career Services in Canada

By Guest Blog | November 18, 2021

Listen to this article as an audio recording In Canada, only 19% of adults report using career services – lower than in other OECD countries. This week LMIC launched its…

Food service labour shortages in Canada: exploring average hours worked as an indicator

By Brittany Feor | October 28, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the accommodation and food services sector harder than any other. Now, even as the broader economy recovers, the food services sector is facing unique challenges…

The Search for Data on LGBTQ2S+ Workers

By Behnoush Amery | October 22, 2021

As an ally to LGBTQ2S+ people, I am thrilled to share the most recent report from the Social Research Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) exploring labour market outcomes of gender and sexual…

An organizational recipe for navigating the pandemic

By Steven Tobin | September 22, 2021

Listen to this report as an audio recording This past week we launched our Annual Report for 2020-2021, an important milestone in our efforts to be transparent and accountable to Canadians.  Annual reports are (too?)…

What Does Gig Work Mean – And Does Anyone Agree?

By Anthony Mantione | September 7, 2021

What constitutes gig work? Not everyone agrees. LMIC senior economist Anthony Mantione provides an overview of some of the ways gig work is defined and why it’s important. Over the…

LMI Insight Report No. 45, Making Sense of Gig Work

By Bolanle Alake-Apata | September 6, 2021

The rise of the on-demand digital workforce, facilitated by technological advancements, has brought increased attention to the phenomena of “gig work.” Although the meaning of gig work can be complex,…

Students Need Labour Market Information – Here’s What They’re Asking For

By Bryan Oates | August 12, 2021

Sixty-two per cent of students say that labour market information (LMI) has helped them make post-secondary education-related decisions. However, there are many students and career practitioners who are still uncertain…

Tailor-Made LMI for Career-Related Decisions

By Michael Willcox | August 11, 2021

People need labour market information (LMI)-such as details about wages, skill requirements and job vacancies-to make informed career, education and hiring decisions. Unfortunately, most Canadians report being unable to use…

Building a Decision-Based Framework to Understand LMI Needs

By Liz Betsis | August 5, 2021

This latest joint report highlights that the information Canadians need extends well beyond what is usually considered essential data. For labour market information to be relevant and suitable to the…

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